Temple Bat Yam practices our Jewish tradition of Tzedakah.
TBY helps with community service projects at Diakonia, local food pantries, Deer’s Head Hospital Center. We also sponsor Mitzvah Days; a once a year event that supports many local charities with specific one-time needs. Read on for information about specific outreach projects:
We collect food for the Shepherd’s Nook at Community Church in Ocean Pines. This is a year round Mitzvah. We need non perishable food items such as: canned fruits and vegetables, soups and sauces, pasta, packaged macaroni and cheese, rice, dried beans, peanut butter and jelly, packaged cookies, hot and cold cereals and fruit juices. We also collect personal items such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and hand lotion. There is also need for diapers, baby food and wipes.

The temple sends letters to the families of fallen servicemen and women who have recently lost their lives in Iraq or Afghanistan. The message basically express our appreciation to their loved ones for the sacrifices they made and offer condolences to the families for their loss. Please look for and sign the letters after services and let these grieving parents know that as a member of Temple Bat Yam, you care.

Mitzvah Day is a wonderful opportunity for you to participate in the holy task of tikkun olam, repairing the world.

Mitzvah Day is a concerted effort, on a single day, to bring the entire congregation together to spend one day volunteering with social justice projects and activities in the community. Congregants choose from a variety of projects that cater to diverse interests, capabilities, and ages.
Projects have benefited Diakonia, Children’s House by the Sea, Agape, Coastal Hospice and the Salisbury Zoo.