Temple Bat Yam is governed by the congregation’s Constitution and By-Laws ratified by the membership in May 1997. Congregational leadership is exercised by a board of directors comprised of six elected officers, seven elected trustees, the previous president of the congregation, our Rabbi, Religious School Director and the president of the sisterhood. Several appointed constitutionally-mandated committee chairpersons also serve on the board which meets monthly. Our Constitution and By-Laws provide for broad participation by the membership through a variety of standing committees: Arts and Furnishings, House, Jewish Education, Ritual, Membership, Nominating and Election Supervision, Public Affairs, Publications, Social Justice and Outreach, Ways and Means, and Youth Activities.
CLICK HERE for the complete TBY calendar that includes the dates and times of board meetings.
Rabbi Arthur S. Rutberg
Executive Board
President, Jerry Selig
Executive Vice President, Bette Bohlmann
Congregational Vice President, Arie Klapholz
Treasurer, Martin Rosenhaft
Executive Secretary, Terri Broemm
Congregational Secretary, Jeff Thaler
Past Presidents, Candy Gusst, Karen Abrams, Paul Schwab, Candy Gusst, Larry Pack, Stu Eisenman, Larry Michnick, Mike Waldman, Jeff Thaler, Hal Glick, Mel Stein, Jerry Selig, Andy Benjamin
Sandford Abrams
Barbara Garber
Jodi Meyers
Dara Murray
Tiffanie Nichols
Jay Taustin
Religious School Committee
Director, Rabbi Arthur S. Rutberg
Special Projects Coordinator, Tiffanie Nichols
Bette Bohlmann
Barbara Garber
Rina Thaler
Membership: Doreen Linhan, Chair; Cindy Brown, Vice Chair; Paul Schwab, Senior Consultant
Arts & Furnishings, Emily Schwab; Chair, Barbara Patrick, Co-Chair
Adult Jewish Education, Rabbi Arthur S. Rutberg
Library, Bill & Judy Johnstone
Ritual, Rabbi Arthur S. Rutberg
Finance, Jay Taustin
Publicity, Tim Rucinski; News Letter, Ellen Bridge, Tim Rucinski; Facebook, Shelley Klapholz, Website, Barbara Patrick
Caring, Stephanie Cohen
Community Outreach, Rina Thaler
Religious School, Rabbi Arthur S. Rutberg
House, Candy Gusst, Jerry Selig
Sisterhood, Rosalind Reshad
TBY Social Committee, Arie & Shelley Klapholz, Bonnie Kirschbaum, Doreen Linham, Cindy Brown, Joyce Cohen
Safety & Security, Candy Gusst, Jerry Selig, Martin Rosenhaft
Judaica Shop, Helen Rosenhaft