Planned-Giving Initiative

Ensuring the Future Strength and Continuity of TBY

An Initiative for the Long Run

Philanthropy is about providing goodwill to and for others. Every member and friend of our Temple is a philanthropist. Your abiding commitment and ongoing support for Temple Bat Yam makes you one. 

As a philanthropist, have you ever thought of how you can make life better and more fulfilling for generations to come? Have you ever considered providing a legacy that will benefit and strengthen our Temple Bat Yam for the future and all those we touch?

Our Temple is here now because of donors providing gifts from persons in all ages, levels of affluence, family situations, philanthropic objectives, and financial objectives. Among these generous congregants have been some predecessors who have designated gifts to be provided to TBY upon their passing.  As already in place for many Synagogues across the country, TBY’s Planned-Giving Initiative encourages all of our congregants to include Temple Bat Yam in their financial and estate plans.  

Assisting and Recognizing our Heritage Partners

We all make decisions during our life that reflect our values. Making a legacy gift by including TBY in your estate plan or will is a powerful way to put your values into action beyond your lifetime. Our Heritage Society will be honoring and recognizing donors who have chosen to support the Temple through planned gifts of any size. There is no gift too small. All are meaningful and welcomed.

You can provide for TBY’s future by making our Temple a beneficiary in many ways and we respectfully ask that you consider that if you have not done so already. We also ask that you Click Here and complete our form to make a non-binding commitment, a statement of intention for the future. We do advise that you seek the opinion of a professional to determine the best way for you to accomplish this. 

 For further information about this evolving new initiative, please contact Andrew Benjamin, at or at 410-742-0084.

Building a Heritage Future for TBY is Important for Our Congregation’s Future

“My husband, Hal Glick and I have been active members of Temple Bat Yam since the inception of this great place of worship for our Jewish community. We have been involved in the planning, building and uniting our Temple Bat Yam Family. We have been there for so many Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, greeting new members and sadly, many funerals. Temple Bat Yam became our Spiritual Home and our members have become our TBY family.

We have always found it rewarding to give major gifts and donations during our lives and watch our Temple grow. But, leaving a bequest to the Temple in our names is our way of making sure Temple Bat Yam will remain strong and that future generations will have the same Jewish opportunities as our family has had on the Eastern Shore.

Please consider making a commitment of intention to ensure that Temple Bat Yam and our Jewish Community will always flourish on the Eastern Shore.” ——- Hal Glick (1941-2015) and Christine Glick.