Welcome to Our Temple
Serving the growing Jewish population on the Delmarva Peninsula, Temple Bat Yam is a Reform Jewish congregation committed to the ideals and eternal truths of Judaism. Our intent is to maintain the traditions and lessons of our rich heritage while respecting the realities and integrity of interfaith marriages and interfaith families. We encourage participation by all family members and spouses in our congregational life, despite religious diversity within a household. We believe the spiritual interests of both our congregation and those of our interfaith couples and families are best served by inclusion within the nurturing community of Temple Bat Yam.

Tribute to Cheryl Taustin
Cheryl Taustin was a beacon of love, talent, and joy within the Temple Bat Yam community. Her impact was profound, touching countless lives from Salisbury to Ocean City and beyond. If 100 rabbis had served the TBY congregation, they would all agree on how beloved Cheryl was, how she embodied joy and beauty, and how […]
Rabbi Emerita Susan Warshaw
Rabbi Warshaw served as our Rabbi for ten years, retiring in 2018. As a tribute to her many contributions, our Temple bestowed Emerita status for Rabbi Warshaw. See Past Rabbi’s for more information.
Rabbi Arthur S. Rutberg, DD
Rabbi Rutberg serves our congregation and the greater Jewish community with over thirty-eight years of experience in the rabbinate and with the American Jewish community. Rabbi Rutberg grew up in New York City graduating from New York University with his Bachelor’s degree in Judaic Studies and Psychology. He earned a Masters degree in Hebrew Literature […]
Temple Bat Yam practices the Jewish tradition of life-long learning. Whether you are interested in religious school for your children, learning more about your heritage, discovering the similarities among Judaism and other faiths, studying Mussar, preparing for a B’nai Mitzvah or exploring conversion to Judaism, Temple Bat Yam’s Rabbi and lay-leadership delivers.
Temple Bat Yam is a busy place! Our Sisterhood, Social Activites, Social Action, Fundraising, Social Committee, Membership and Ritual Committees schedule many religious and non-religious events throughout the year.
Our Role in the Community
TBY helps with community service projects at Coastal Hospice, local food pantries, Deer’s Head Hospital. We collect food for the Shepherd’s Nook at Community Church in Ocean Pines. We also sponsor Mitzvah Day, a once a year event that supports many local charities with specific one-time needs. Shown above is the hard working religious school […]